Home » First Time Homebuyers Dover

First-Time Homebuyers Dover

What should first-time homebuyers in Dover know? The State of Delaware offers a first-time buyer tax credit. Up to 35% of your annual mortgage interest, up to $2,000, can be covered through this program. Many loans available require down payments of as low as 3%. An agent can tell you more about the most promising incentives, helping you to make an informed decision.

If you’re considering a home purchase, you may be wondering if you should buy or rent. You may be able to own a home for less each month than it costs to pay a landlord, and you’ll build equity in your investment. It’s for these reasons that you should pursue owning a residence. You won’t be let down by what you find, and your agent is happy to continue answering your questions.

Work with the REALTOR® who best helps those seeking their first house! You can get the knowledge you need to seal this deal, putting you in the most appropriate place in a timely fashion! Your agent will help you find something within your price range that’ll suit your immediate and long-term needs alike, as well as connect you to any potential incentives. Schedule your consultation now to learn more.

City of Dover: https://www.cityofdover.com/

  • First-time homebuyers in Dover won’t be let down!